Programs – American One


Our Program

We offer one of the best programs in ESL, TOEFL, GED, and U.S. CITIZENSHIP preparation. The school is a leader in English Education, and our campus is located in one of the safest places in the United States of America. Our program is accredited by CEA (Commission on English Language Program Accreditation).

Our Schedule


  • Mon 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
  • Tue 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
  • Wed 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
  • Thu 9:00 am - 1:30 pm

*Breaks of 30 minutes


  • Mon 5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Tue 5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Wed 5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Thu 5:00 pm - 9:30 pm

*Breaks of 30 minutes

Program Features

6 Proficiency Levels
18 Classroom Hours per Week
Morning & Evening Classes
Experienced & Qualified Teachers
Campus Library & Multimedia Center
Placement & Achievement Tests
F1 Student Visa Assistance
TOEFL Preparation

Full-Time Programs

By the end of the cycle, students will be able to understand simple conversations on a variety of topics. These topics cover the basic themes of everyday life, which enable students to feel more comfortable and lift the language barrier.

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By the end of Level One, students are able to understand conversations on a variety of topics and speak at a more natural speed.

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By the end of this level, students can understand everyday life conversations and talk about them in a very comfortable way.

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By the end of this level, students are able to understand and follow long, fast-paced conversations on difficult topics.

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By the end of this level, students are be able to talk about and discuss complicated issues and topics and express their opinions sophisticatedly.

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Part-Time Programs

By the end of the cycle, students will be able to understand simple conversations on a variety of topics. These topics cover the basic themes of everyday life, which enable students to feel more comfortable and lift the language barrier.

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By the end of Level One, students are able to understand conversations on a variety of topics and speak at a more natural speed.

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By the end of this level, students can understand everyday life conversations and talk about them in a very comfortable way.

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By the end of this level, students are able to understand and follow long, fast-paced conversations on difficult topics.

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By the end of this level, students are be able to talk about and discuss complicated issues and topics and express their opinions sophisticatedly.

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Standardized Tests

These classes are designed to teach the language skills and test-taking strategies needed to achieve a competitive score on the reading, writing, and speaking segments of the TOEFL.

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Achievement Scale and Interpretation

By the end of each course, students will be able to: Structure Reading and Writing Listening and Speaking
Beginner Use words that signal differences between present and future in simple statements related to common activities. Generate simple sentences containing learned vocabulary and using appropriate grammatical structures. Interpret vocabulary words and phrases in familiar contexts. Write a series of simple sentences on a familiar topic. Demonstrate comprehension of simple words and phrases through face-to-face conversations used in common everyday contexts. Ask grammatically structured questions related to basic needs and respond appropriately using short phrases and sentences.
Basic Recognize basic constructions such as subject –verb agreement in simple present/ past or present continuous tenses and the appropriate use of pronouns while making careless or inexact pronoun references. Use chronological order when writing about daily activities or narrative paragraphs. Read and summarize articles or stories in English about habits, experiences, and past events with limited descriptions and be able to pull out the main idea. Demonstrate through face-to-face conversation understanding of simple questions and answers in standard English. Participate in simple conversations dealing with basic survival needs and using Yes/No questions and Wh-questions, including questions with possessive nouns and possessive adjectives.
Intermediate Use specific modal auxiliaries to express ability, possibility, or suggestion; use the imperative to give orders, advice, or warnings to a limited degree. Occasionally uses time signatures and descriptive language when writing narrative paragraphs. Identify the order of events in a simple narrative passage. Describes a sequence of events in the past dealing with personal life with varying degrees of consistency. Demonstrate, through face-to-face conversations, a comfortable ability to talk or ask about personal histories or describe places or people with developing fluency.
Advanced Understand passive and hypothetical structures, refine ability in past and present tenses and utilize them with moderate fluency. Develop a topic sentence and supporting sentences to write and self-edit a paragraph on a familiar topic containing minimal grammatical and informational errors. Read and understand texts or materials containing familiar and unfamiliar fields of knowledge as well as seek out information from outside sources Participate in conversations regarding abstract/hypothetical topics though searching for appropriate word choice or grammatical accuracy may inhibit responses and limit fluency. Identify ideas and arguments in listening passages on life experiences and form their own opinions to respond to comprehension questions.
Expert 1 Understand functions of the basic structural pieces of the English language, refine understanding and ability in all English tenses as well as hypothetical structures, and utilize them with near-native fluency. Identify main ideas and key points to unfamiliar reading passages and use syntactic clues and other context clues to interpret complex sentences and unfamiliar words. Develop rudimentary introduction and concluding paragraphs to frame multiple organized body paragraphs with limited grammatical and informational errors. Demonstrate understanding of face-to-face speech that slightly deviates from formal grammatical English at a normal pace and with some repetition.
Expert 2 Be competent and confident in basic to advanced English grammar–only should have errors in informal language. Feel comfortable writing a multiple paragraph essay with regular errors, but recognizing typical English structure patterns and wording. Use contractions, slang, and expressions/idioms comfortably while speaking fluently with room for minor errors. Comprehend fluid speech without much or any repetition on the part of the speaker on a variety of topics.
TOEFL Express themselves in a variety of forms, such as speaking and writing, with minor and inconsistent grammar and punctuation errors as well as utilize some learned vocabulary comfortably. Read at an introductory college level and be able to comprehend the material, find ways to understand unfamiliar concepts through context and limited use of outside resources, and answer follow-up questions with minimal wrong answers. Write about any topic using a variety of essay styles and sentence structures with clear explanations and minimal errors in punctuation and grammar. Listen to audio of any level and topic and be able to comprehend the information, take notes simultaneously, and answer follow-up questions with minimal wrong answers. Speak about any topic with clear organization, structure, reasons, and examples to support their ideas.
Open 7 days INFO
Our Young Pre classroom is for ages. This age group is working
October 2024